Bryce Lewis
“I get to create lasting relationships with athletes and help them become better, stronger versions of themselves. I get to learn about lifting and pass on that knowledge to others. I love this!”
Bryce Lewis is a competitive, drug-free elite powerlifter in the 83-105kg weight classes. He holds records in both the USA Powerlifting federation (USAPL) and International Powerlifting Federation (IPF), and strives to promote the comprehension and love of powerlifting training throughout the world. Through his success as an elite lifter, Bryce’s dream is to pass on his knowledge and skills through The Strength Athlete (TSA) powerlifting coaching services online in addition to his YouTube Channel and Facebook fan page. By these efforts, Bryce hopes to help raw, drug-free powerlifting gain more prominence and acceptance internationally.
Under 3D Muscle Journey (3DMJ) Coach, Eric Helms, Bryce was introduced to powerlifting, following a collegiate and high school passion for volleyball and a five year period competing in natural bodybuilding. He immediately fell in love with the newfound sport. Lifting heavy was always fun, but powerlifting allowed him to express his desires for competition, application of advanced strength training techniques, and achievements through measured progress. Even now, Bryce remains an integral part of Team 3DMJ and has adapted their principles of dedication, desire, and discipline as his own. In addition to training services, Eric also mentors Bryce through an ongoing 3DMJ internship.
In addition to his successful career as an athlete, Bryce has always strived for academic and intellectual attainment. He graduated from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2010 with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Philosophy. Currently, he plans to continue coaching athletes from around the world through TSA, and help more athletes develop the tools for success. Bryce passionately advocates for the application and love of the sciences, evidence-based philosophies, and skepticism of pseudoscience. In his spare time, he explores a variety of art forms from pencil and pen drawings to graphic design to culinary arts in the kitchen.
Bryce resides in Fort Collins, Colorado with his chocolate labrador, Sequoia. After the devastation of COVID-19 and the cancelation of all events, Bryce targets a local level competition and continues to pursue a love of the sport of powerlifting.