Talk with us for an hour about your most pressing needs—training theory and technique are the two most common.
We consult with clients worldwide via video conference. These 1-hour consultations are your time to talk on a range of topics of your choosing (If you are looking for the custom programming option, refer here). If you want to analyze and break down lifting technique, talk about training theory, pursue mentoring, attempt selection, Excel, or simply pick our brains, this is the option. We have made this a lower cost option, and follow-up consultations are still 20% off.
We encourage follow-up consultations for individuals consulting on lifting technique (change takes time) and mentoring (usually an ongoing basis)
If you are ready to apply and set up an appointment, follow these easy steps.
If we’re talking about your technique, make sure you have lifting footage of your squat, bench press, and deadlift from 1-2 angles at 70%+1RM, or RPE 7+ uploaded to YouTube and available during the call. We can’t give good advice on technique without seeing your lifts.
Sign up for a call using the options below.
You’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to a questionnaire to complete to help us further get to know you before the call. Please make sure this is complete before we speak.
On the day of the call, click the button in your email confirmation to join the call on Google Meet. If we have trouble reaching you or technical difficulties, we’ll email you.
We state: The Strength Athlete LLC “TSA” (www.thestrengthathlete.com) is not a licensed dietitian or nutritional specialist. All information you obtain will be directly from TSA’s own experiences. It is of best interest for anyone looking to start a powerlifting meet preparation/fitness program to consult a physician before doing so; it would be wise to have blood work done, and a physical performed by a licensed physician.
Before submitting this application, please read and understand the following:
You (customer) totally understand that you (customer) may injure yourself as a result of participation in a powerlifting meet preparation/fitness program, and hereby release The Strength Athlete LLC from any liability now or in the future for any injury, including, but not limited to heart attacks, death, muscle strains, pulls or tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, knee/lower back/foot injuries and any other illness, soreness or injury however caused, occurring during or after my participation in the powerlifting meet preparation/fitness program offered.
By submitting this application, you state that in consideration of your participation in TSA’s powerlifting meet preparation program, you for yourself, your personal representatives, administrators, heirs and assigns, hereby holds harmless, TSA from any claims arising from your participation in the powerlifting meet preparation/fitness program.
By submitting this application, you affirm that you have read, have been honest with TSA and also fully understand the above information. You have been given the opportunity to present questions in all related matters.